Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This one is for Mike/Waisting Time

You asked for it

My sister, if you guys know her, is admittedly much better looking than I am.  She got the looks in the family for sure.  She isn't perfect by any stretch of imagination, but she is a sweet girl and more importantly my younger sister.  That being said, not ONE of my friends is good enough for her.  Well maybe one, and that's only because he has 20 years of friendship on just about everybody else.  I take it very personally when somebody says she is hot or even jokes about taking my sister on a date.  Just know that if you do, I will end you.  As per a friend's request, he would like to see more anger and complaining and maybe even something on the slightly offensive side.  So I guess I can try and give that to him.

But the real point of this post is to complain about something.  The focus here will be women as most of my complaining has to do with them.  These are some common courtesies I think women should take with men to help make everybody's lives easier.

1. If you are not interested in a guy, DO NOT give him your number.
-- I say this because too often have I been given a number along with false hope and expectations, then when I text her she doesn't text back or is just completely uninterested from the beginning.  Basically, stop waisting my goddamn time and just say you are not interested.

2. If you are too nice to say you are not interested, make up a boyfriend.
-- I would rather be lied to then given false hope and make myself look like a chump.

3. If I spend more than 15 minutes flirting with you, at least get it out there that you are single/not single.
-- There is just so little time in this world to spend flirting with every pretty girl I meet, and I desire not to spend precious time flirting with women who are unavailable.

I'm sure there are more things but frankly I kinda rushed this because I wanted to very quickly respond to Mike.  You suck.