Tuesday, December 10, 2013

I am completely lost

Pretty obvious title right? Well, it is how I feel. I have been feeling totally and completely lost, for who knows how long now. But I feel that writing about it may help so here goes nothing. And perhaps if you feel lost, this may help or even bring things into perspective.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rage Post: December 5, 2013

This is going to be the first post in what I believe could possibly become a longer series. I've titled this one "Rage Post" because that is what I am going to do. You see, I've learned that people don't like when I bitch to them about my day, so I've found that is easier just to write about it and if you feel so inclined to know you will click the link that will take you here.

Disclaimer: this post is not intended to be happy. There is no rainbow at the end. No happy ending here. Just pure, unadulterated, Jeremy-rage.