Thursday, December 5, 2013

Rage Post: December 5, 2013

This is going to be the first post in what I believe could possibly become a longer series. I've titled this one "Rage Post" because that is what I am going to do. You see, I've learned that people don't like when I bitch to them about my day, so I've found that is easier just to write about it and if you feel so inclined to know you will click the link that will take you here.

Disclaimer: this post is not intended to be happy. There is no rainbow at the end. No happy ending here. Just pure, unadulterated, Jeremy-rage.

Today was an undeniably shitty day. Allow me to recount everything that happened that contributed to the genuine suckiness of today.

1. Shitbag, awful, retarded customers

-- Kid you not, I had a guy intentionally choose to waste 20 minutes of my time trying to convince ME, that his iPhone is superior technology to any Samsung device. Let's take a moment an analyze why this man is an idiot:

A) Because the iPhone is NOT superior technology
B) My shirt clearly says Samsung on it so there is not a force on this Earth or beyond that will convince me otherwise
C) The guy was using a Samsung device whilst also trying to convince me the iPhone was better WTAF (what the actual fuck)

-- A customer comes in right at close and demands I help her with a product that was set aside on reserve for her. I politely tell her that I don't have any product in my area and that it will be at customer service. She proceeds to ignore me, get a little angry because she drove all the way to Park City to pick it up (she chose this store btw) and that I needed to guarantee that it was still there.

Here's the thing, lady, I have no control over product, so you best ask someone who does. Also she made a thinly-veiled threat towards me that if we don't have the product that was specifically reserved for her that I would need to make them a better deal. Yeah, ok.

-- Another customer came in asking how he can sync his Samsung phone to Outlook. He has come in multiple times and I've told him that I have no idea how to do it because I am unfamiliar with Microsoft's awful service. I told him to download the app and that it would probably fix it. Well he came in again seeking out help and he downloaded the app. Well, it worked, and it started syncing but it didn't do it how he wanted it to.

The disconnect is that this is NO LONGER a Samsung problem. The device behaved as it should. This issue clearly has something to do with Outlook. So I told him no less than six times that he should contact Microsoft about this. Also, he came in right as I was putting my jacket on to leave for lunch. But this didn't occur to him because he decided to bug me for the next 30 minutes even though I explicitly told him that I cannot help him.

2. Technology hates me

-- Kind of ironic that I just wrote that considering how long I've been working in consumer electronics. But regardless this is what happened. I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert on Samsung products, because, I'm paid to be. Well for the one good customer that I had come in, he brought with him a shit-storm of problems with his device. I spent 45 minutes with him trying to figure it out and was finally able to resolve it. I had no encountered a problem like this one before and it frustrated me to no end. This event set the tone for the whole day.

3. Park City drivers

-- I drive 60 miles a day back and for to work. And the most terrifying part is not the canyon, it's Kimball Junction. You see, there are roundabouts everywhere and Park City residents just have no idea how these work. I was getting back to the store from Wendy's and I yielded coming up to the roundabout, and took my turn. Well the car directly in front of me decided she was too good to yield and just started going into the roundabout in front of me. If my friend hadn't said anything to me I would have plowed into her.

Now, it wouldn't have been my fault because she would have failed to yield at a roundabout but still, it would have been a major pain in the ass dealing with all that. What does the driver do as I slam on my breaks and honk? Oh nothing, she just waves as if we are long lost friends. Doesn't even realize that she almost caused an accident with her carelessness.

4. Wendy's

-- My friend and I went inside because we got multiple orders. We got out food to go with drinks and as we were leaving I remarked we should get straws. My friend said they put it in the bag. We get back to the store and they were in the bag. Well, his was in the bag. Mine was nowhere to be seen. Thanks Universe.

5. Sold almost nothing today

-- My job is not commission based, it's primarily hourly. However, we do have performance goals to meet and today was no good for me. Between customers trying to sell me garbage products and other customers that somehow believe I will bring them miracle, I had no time to try and make things happen. Completely absurd.

6. I am almost totally out of liquor

-- Admittedly, this one is more in my control. I came home thinking I will let bourbon lull me to sleep but as it turns out I have very little. I thought I had way more! If I would have known I would have stopped at the liquor store on the way home.

Anyway, I think that pretty much wraps up this rage post. If you made it this far, congratulations, you deserve some sort of medal. Also, you should find better things to do with your time then to listen to me bitch.

Also, thanks for listening to me bitch about my day :)

^^ Oh hey! Something positive!

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