Monday, February 20, 2012

Favorite games of all time (Part 1)

This is most definitely a post about video games, but I still think it will be an interesting read.

 I definitely believe in the therapeutic powers of video gaming.  I think that they can influence one's outlook on life, make them think in a different way or just see something that they have never seen before.  I also think that games are artistic, and much like a painting can change one's life, a video game can have the same effect.  That being said, here is a brief list of some of my favorite games.

1.  Portal

Ok, so this game is pretty awesome.  I previously wrote about the second game and you can read about it here.  Anyway, the game is great because it is one of the most sophisticated and yet accessible puzzle games I've ever played.  Additionally, the game is rather minimalistic featuring really only two characters: you, the protagonist and GLaDos, the antagonist.  The dialogue, although scarce, is very funny and well-written, so much that it enables you to get attached to the antagonist, even though she is trying to kill you.

2.  Bioshock

The first time I played this game, I was pretty much scared most or even all the time.  It's use of lighting, scenery and unique environments helps to redefine survival horror.  Most of the time you won't see an enemy, but you'll hear them.  You won't just hear talking, you'll hear the grinding of a blade on cement, noises of guns and creepy dialogue that scares the shit out of you.  Plus the story was very strong, the setting was unique and the gameplay was extremely tight.  Additionally, the moral consequences of your actions tended to be a burden.

3.  Metal Gear Solid

This game was probably the most mature game that I played as a kid.  It teaches you the consequences and long-reaching effects of war.  It also gives you a realistic portrayal of what it is like to be special forces.  The games were also an advancement in interactive narrative, telling a VERY deep story in an extremely cinematic way.

4.  Heavy Rain

Never has a game had such an emotional burden on me, than Heavy Rain.  I cannot begin to explain the effect that this game had on me emotionally.  I tried very hard to explain it in a final paper I wrote for a writing class, which I'll be happy to send to anyone who wants to read it.  Anyway, go play the game, and you'll know why.

5.  Final Fantasy X

Everyone has "their" Final Fantasy game, the one they call their favorite.  For most, it's FFVII, for some VI, others VIII, but for me it was X.  Many reasons for this: utilized CTB (conditional turn based) battle system, first to have high-quality 3D environments and cutscenes, first to have voice acting, and first on a next-generation console.  To date, this is easily one of my favorite games of all time.  I can talk for days about how good this game is, but it won't do it any justice so I recommend that everybody go play it.  Seriously, go buy a PS2 or come to my house and play it.  The story is beautiful, thoughtful and intense and it is one of the most remarkable games ever to come out.

In closing, this is only a small list of my favorite games, because the list itself is rather long.  As noted in the title, this is Part 1 of I don't know how many parts, but be assured, there will be more.

So why blog about my favorite games?

Because this is MY blog dammit, and that is what I like to talk about.  Additionally, my favorite games show who I am as a person, and should give everyone a little bit of insight into me.  I think knowing the favorite games of a gamer is like having a window into their soul.  So be ready to gaze into this window, because I generally don't let people in like this.

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