Sunday, November 11, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching: Week 10

We go back into the grinder for the first week of the second term (quarter)!  Read on past the break to see all the exciting stuff that happened!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching: Week 9

The week of the big concert.  How did it go might you ask?  Well, click on past the break and find out!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching: Week 7 and 8

Sorry I didn't write last week.  It was fall break (ahem, UEA Weekend) so we had a half week, and nothing really happened that week.  But a bunch did happen this last week so here we go!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching: Week 5

This week I got to dig in to the real nuts and bolts of rehearsing and teaching.  I'll forewarn you that this week wasn't exactly the most exciting but I still have stories to share.  Read on past the break if you would like to learn more!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching! Week 4

I can't even believe I'm still doing this.  Haha.  I usually give up on things like this pretty easily but strangely enough, I find myself wanting to tell everyone about my experiences.  So here goes nothing.

It's Homecoming Week!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching! Week 3

This week we got to experience some triumphs and downfalls.  And I learned a lot more about students.  Jump past the break to see what happened!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching! Week 2

As with second week of school, we start getting more serious about stuff, and things tend to settle down.  But along with that comes new forms of work and hardships.  Read on past the break to find out!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Anecdotes and Happenings from Student Teaching! Week 1

So, as many of you know I have begun the final chapter of my undergrad and am now student teaching.  My assignment is Woods Cross High School and I will be studying with Todd Campbell.  I've decided that I should start chronicling my adventures via my blog, which also means I will start consistently writing again.  I may also skip a week here and there but I will do my best to be punctual about writing.  So here is what happened this week!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sorry for not blogging

Yeah so I've been in the worst, most terrible, shittiest mood ever the last couple of months, erm, year.  So I haven't really blogged much because I'm so completely consumed with negativity and anger.  So every time I want to blog I start typing, then about halfway through I realize how angry my writing is, so I end up erasing everything and not blogging at all.  So I'm taking a break from blogging pretty much until I have something funny, positive or just good to write.  Most of my recent blogs have been really dark, sad and depressing and I think I need to stop publicly posting these things, and perhaps password protecting those blogs so that way I can still write and not have everybody read them.

Anyway, I'll try and think of something good to write soon, I promise.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Some rather apparent observations about quite obvious stuff

So, before you head past the jump, I want you guys to know that I am so sorry that I haven't blogged lately. It's been kind of a rough patch for me and everything I've wanted to blog about would simply be too much personal for this blog.  So I finally found something to write about that isn't too much.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Why I Rage

This is going to be a long and extremely personal post, so if you are one of my few subscribers it will be you guys alone who see this.

Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Make Incremental, Sustainable Progress at Starcraft.

Hey there, I'm Josh Birch.  This is my blog about music, minimalism, and behavioral change (  Let's get to work.

Firstly, know that I am not great at Starcraft.  BUT I have made a lot of improvement in what is really a pretty short amount of time, and as anyone who read Tim Ferriss will tell you, this is the quality you're striving to achieve when making progress.  This ability of mine derives from a simple procedure I follow when I learn a new skill.

I remove all the extra shit.

For example, caring whether you win or lose on ladder is extra.  The ladder plays differently than tourneys do, and your rank on ladder is NOT the end-all be-all stone tablet of how good you are at the game.  Stop caring about it, if you find yourself caring about it, go do something else because you are definitely not getting better at that moment.  Like poker, you leave the table when emotions are running your game.

That being said, once you are emotionally separate from the results of any particular match: TRACK! TRACK! TRACK YOURSELF!  Make a spreadsheet of the builds you are doing, the builds your opponents are doing against you, and whether you win or lose.  Track the problems you are having with macro OR micro, and pick one thing that you are having trouble with SPECIFICALLY, write it down, and work only that for the next week. 

You will find that 80% of the time, you are not macro-ing as hard as the opponents that are beating you.  You could throw total garbage units into a perfectly built army, and if you three times as many of them plus a new army on the way you will win every time.  When you are starting, STARCRAFT IS A NUMBERS GAME.  Go watch Moneyball, and then Moneyball your playing.  Hire only effective players, that are cheap to improve (that's a metaphor... just in case you didn't catch that.)

Also, when you are beginning:  LIMIT YOURSELF TO A SINGLE BUILD.  If you think this isn't enough to get good at the game, I implore you to go watch Goody.  He is the all-encompassing master of simplifying the game for terran, and ANYONE can learn a great deal watching him.  Like, how learning one solid build, mastering it, and even applying it into situations people will tell you it doesn't apply in, can get you into grandmaster league on this continent and make you and incredibly successful tournament player.

This choice is up to you, but if you are a protoss player I recommend two/three gate robo, and if you are terran I recommend you watch Husky's cast about the 3 barracks timed push. 

Final note, if you apply the lessons in this post, that means that when you are done setting up these habits you have
  • Narrowed down to a single build that you are working on.
  • Stopped caring about the results of the games individually so you can improve on a planned, routine practice.
  • Become macro-oriented like every successful pro of all time.
  • Tracked your strategy in comparison to other strategies on ladder to analyze OBJECTIVELY what works and doesn't work and WHEN.
These habits combined will make you Captain Starcraft (this is cartoon reference... if you didn't catch that.)  And ALONE will carry you past platinum league when mastered.  I do not recommend that you start all of them all at once however, because that is not an effective mode for behavioral change.  Pick ONE and track to make sure you do it in some form EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH.  When you have successfully done that, keep tracking that habit and add the next one.  Going any faster than that will surely lead to you not doing any of them... trust me on this.  The changes you make slowly that last forever are infinitely more valuable than the changes you make quickly that last two weeks.

So, keep doing what you are doing, but change JUST ONE THING and track the results of that change.  You will watch, even during the course of one month, your ladder rank skyrocket (even though you don't care) and your win-rate grow... slowly but surely.  Like the tortoise, not the hare (that was a reference to a fable... if you didn't catch that.)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Humbled by a Puzzle

If you ever want a humbling experience, I suggest you try doing a puzzle.  But not just any puzzle, a puzzle of a Tiger's face.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is for Matticus

I know Matt has been wondering when his would come.  It just had to be the right time.

A Note to My Friends

This is for everyone who tries to hang out with me in which I usually bail or never call you to hang out.  I promise it's not because I hate you.  Sorry if I offend anyone, which I'm sure I will, but I don't care.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

This is for Kellie

There is something to be said about someone who is hell-bent on saving you from your own destruction.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Morality as demonstrated in Mass Effect 3

Since I've made the recent life decision to one day go into game design, I've decided that I should write about games more often.  To be clear, this isn't writing glorifying a game for being fun or awesome, but for the seldom analyzed effects that gaming can have on oneself.

**Caution: Spoilers Abound**

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mass Effect 3

I'm going to start off by saying that this game is ALMOST perfect.  Caution, spoilers could follow.  I'll do my best to avoid them.

This is a post about E-Sports

This is extremely nerdy but I'm trying to prove a point.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Senior Recital -- Check

I am now that much closer to being done.  Read on to see what else is next.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Favorite games of all time (Part 1)

This is most definitely a post about video games, but I still think it will be an interesting read.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bloggers Block..

I need help blogging people!

So basically, I have nothing to write about.  And for all of my loyal readers, you wonderful people should help me decide on something to write about.  I'm almost sure that there is something interesting that you guys would like me to write about.  And if there isn't, well shit.  We might be out of luck.

I should say, for Earl, I'm still working on the Ted Mosby post.  It's coming along nicely but definitely not finished yet.

So yeah, if anybody has suggestions for something that you would like to see my talk or rant about, please leave a comment.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gaming Addiction

Yeah.. it's a thing.  And it is happening to me.  Damn Star Trek Online!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This one is for CJ

I've decided that each of my really close friends deserve a blog post.  So here it is, the BFF post.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Poor Decision Making

This is a rage post.  Mostly, rage towards myself because I am dumb sometimes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The List

This is a list I made of all the girls I've been interested in.  And no, I'm not sharing the list, however I will discuss why this was important.