So, before you head past the jump, I want you guys to know that I am so sorry that I haven't blogged lately. It's been kind of a rough patch for me and everything I've wanted to blog about would simply be too much personal for this blog. So I finally found something to write about that isn't too much.
So this weekend I went clubbing, for the like first time in a really long time. And I gotta say, it just did not gel with me. Which is totally strange because I like the music, I like drinking, but I don't really like dancing, or grinding. So why would I go clubbing then?
Well as per usual, I get talked into doing something by a pretty girl and I just can't say no. It's a real weakness that I need to learn to start fighting but such is life right now. But it's important to analyze what about clubbing I don't like.
1. I don't like grinding
-- I mean, I feel weird doing it. It's like awkward. And everybody says it's just like sex, which I suppose is kind of true but I don't have sex with people in public, so it feels awkward to me.
2. I'm not a bro
-- Seriously, most guys at the club are bros and I just can't hang with the bros. I'm also not enormously muscular, don't wear a hat slightly to the side and frankly I just don't give a shit about Jersey Shore
3. It's like too loud and too dark
-- And I understand this is part of the ambiance but I wasn't really into it. Plus I'm kind of an old man now
So being at the club was kind of fun and everything but frankly it just isn't me, and it's not my scene. The sad part is, the scene I identify with most is like the 1920s Prohibition era. I really wish I could go the club dressed in a suit with a fedora, order a martini and listen to jazz. That would be so badass but alas, that doesn't exist anymore.
So I've learned that I was not only born in the wrong decade, but it makes it really hard for me to get with women of this decade because women ARE into that club scene that I just don't fit in with. And as much as I tried to fit in, it just didn't work. I wasn't being true to myself and I wasn't having a good time. So moral of the story, learn what your scene is and stick with it. The idea is that one day I'll meet a girl that fits in with that scene, but at this point in time I kinda think that she doesn't exist anymore. Anyway, I'm glad I was finally able to blog.
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