Tron: Legacy
Let's start by saying this, Light Cycles FTW. They are so freaking sick. If you haven't seen Tron, let me know and I will change that. Light Cycles are by far the coolest vehicle ever. Yes, even cooler than the Batmobile. Why you ask?
1. Light cycles are motorcycles. Motorcycles > Cars
2. They can create a jetwall (a hard wall of light) that you can use to run people into and derezz them.
3. They are compact and can dematerialize into a fancy little stick that you can put in your pocket. Portability at it's best.
4. You can create Light Cars (Runners as they are called) and pack all of these advantages into a car.
5. Also, they come in Jet form as well, which are also sick.
Another cool thing about Tron: Legacy is Disk Wars, which is the coolest sport ever, maybe even cooler than Blitzball (FFX).
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II (KoTOR)
I love this game. It is so epic that I just don't even know how to express it. I'll be fair and get it out of the way that it was an unfinished game complete with bugs, but luckily a very loyal modding community has been hard at work changing that.
The game is wonderful. The story is absolutely amazing, the gameplay is great (although unchanged from the first game), the music is awesome, the graphics were amazing for the time and not to mention the concept of shaping the destinies of your companions and the galaxy. There are uncountable hours of dialog and story lines that can only be explored in no less than ten playthroughs (all about 20-30 hours per playthrough). I can tell you that I've beat the game about ten times and I'm still finding things that I missed before.
In closing, I love games like this. The ones that even though they are 5 years old (or older) they are still worth every penny spent on them, even the midst of today's amazing games.
Star Trek
I feel like I geek out every week about Star Trek so here are the updates.
This week it is all about two new Star Trek books that I purchased, so I am geeking out like crazy.
Diablo 3 Beta!!!
Yes! My D3 friends it has been confirmed via Twitter that Blizzard is prepping Beta invitations for Diablo 3. As some or maybe even none of you know, Diablo 2 is my favorite game of all time, and Diablo 3 marks the end of my life. When it fully releases, none of you will probably see me unless it is in the world of Sanctuary, for I will be spending the rest of my free time there fighting the forces of evil.
Well, that is all for this week. Thanks for reading.
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