Monday, August 22, 2011

Bah! School..

Most people are ecstatic to go to school, but not this guy!

Let's start with this.  I am now (finally) a Senior.  My last year of college (minus a semester of student teaching).  But there is a problem..


Not the same one you get in high school, only this time it's amplified by like a million times.  I have no desire to be at school.  The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that one day I MIGHT graduate.  I know, pretty bleak and I should have a more positive attitude.  But the U is a weird school to be at coming from Snow College.

This year, I'm taking the regular music classes so I won't even bore you guys with that.  Other classes I'm taking are an upper-division writing class, Tai Chi, and a special education class.  I might make Jazz Band so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Additionally, a new year means new girls and so far prospects are rather minimal, but I'm keeping an open mind.  Time to forge new friendships and relationships, and pray that I can make it through this year.  Godspeed everyone.

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