Monday, August 22, 2011

Bah! School..

Most people are ecstatic to go to school, but not this guy!

Let's start with this.  I am now (finally) a Senior.  My last year of college (minus a semester of student teaching).  But there is a problem..


Not the same one you get in high school, only this time it's amplified by like a million times.  I have no desire to be at school.  The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that one day I MIGHT graduate.  I know, pretty bleak and I should have a more positive attitude.  But the U is a weird school to be at coming from Snow College.

This year, I'm taking the regular music classes so I won't even bore you guys with that.  Other classes I'm taking are an upper-division writing class, Tai Chi, and a special education class.  I might make Jazz Band so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Additionally, a new year means new girls and so far prospects are rather minimal, but I'm keeping an open mind.  Time to forge new friendships and relationships, and pray that I can make it through this year.  Godspeed everyone.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Idea for a New Star Trek Series

I warn you, this is the single most geeky thing I've ever decided to put on the internet.  This is a Geek Factor of 5: Ultima Nerd.  Be warned.  There is no turning back after you've clicked past the jump.  Well ok, there is.  But still.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Geeking Out - Tron: Legacy, KoTOR and Star Trek

So I think this is the start of a new segment for me that I may do weekly, or whenever I feel is necessary.  As the title so aptly states, this post is about geeking out.  Every week it feels like I geek out about something different.  This week I am geeking out about Tron.  And other stuff.