Sunday, December 25, 2011

Worst Christmas Ever, and a Silver Lining

Yes, this is a bitching post.  Which is why I have chosen not to post it to Facebook, so if you are reading you are one of my 5 (erm, 4) loyal readers.
So let's go down the list.

1 - First Christmas away from my mother

As you may or may not know, my parents divorced earlier this year.  My mother is in the Philippines and this was the first Christmas I spent without her.

2 - Dry Christmas

Oh my god I want to drink!  But I didn't have the common sense to hit up the liquor store before it closed on Christmas Eve.  I blame my incompetence and Utah liquor laws.  All I want right now is to be completely shit-faced drunk, especially in light of what happens next..

3 - Yet another blow to a very pathetic love life

Only a select few people know about what happened today.  Incidentally, she is one of the 4 readers of this blog.  Yes, my heart was broken yet again by another woman.  So here's the story: I had an amazing night with her, I played the good guy card and it was just wonderful.  I haven't heard from her since even though I'm fairly certain that it went well.  Well, today on Christmas, I found out that she is actually in a relationship official as of today.


Couple questions and I kinda hope she reads this because she won't respond to me at all:

1) Why did she come over in the first place when she knew full well what I wanted?
2) Why did she kiss me?
3) Why would she waste time even getting to know me?

The short answer to this long story is that once again I've been burned by my many weaknesses as a man.  The first weakness is that despite being extremely pessimistic I tend to see the good in people, and I always give people the benefit of the doubt.  The second, is that I might just be too traditional sometimes.  I like to take things slowly, like if a girl I'm really into just offers me sex out of nowhere, I'm going to turn her down.  Not because I'm a prude or gay, but because I like to take things slow and build something meaningful.

To me, none of this seems to make sense.  It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone.  I thought I was doing everything right, but apparently not.  What makes this terrible is that she really was a big deal, like a really really big deal.  If you've heard me talk about her, you've heard me say incredible things about her, her interests, her beauty, the nerdy things, etc.  She was a good one.

4 - The Silver Lining

I have the best friends in the world.  After an awful family dinner and still reeling from the bad news, I decided to go hang out with Jessie and Mike.  They managed to cheer me up and help take my mind off of things, if only for a moment which is what I needed.  You guys are the best and I love you.  Not to make this a Cheesy Christmas, but you guys really did save it for me.

So thank you, I don't know what I would do without you guys.

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